Elze van Hamelin worked as a corporate sustainability consultant until she realized the green agenda had been hijacked. She has researched the issues and provides expert insights on pressing issues in the Netherlands and Europe. We discuss energy, renewables, wind turbine syndrome, farmers, food security, politics, property rights and populist uprisings. Van Hamelin appears frequently with Catherine Austin Fitts.
Dutch Farmers and Fishermen
Report: https://home.solari.com/2nd-quarter-2023-wrap-up-dutch-farmers-and-fishermen-the-people-who-feed-us-with-elze-van-hamelen/
Interview with Catherine Austin Fitts (Introduction Dutch, interview English)
Pharma Food: Biotech on your plate
Report: https://home.solari.com/pharma-food-with-elze-van-hamelen/
Interview: https://rumble.com/v42jgzz-elze-van-hamelen-assault-on-food-sovereignty-with-toxic-pharma-food.html
Book on the re-make of the Netherlands (Dutch) https://www.deanderekrant.nl/nieuws/het-nieuwe-boek-van-de-andere-krant-de-grote-verbouwing-van-nederland-2024-12-08
Wind turbine Syndrome Nina Pierpont, MD, PhD
Infrasound: Mariana Alves-Pereira
Vibroacoustic disease
Nasa and wind turbines
“Manipulating the Weather is Part of the Military Arsenal, It should be Part of the Climate Discussion”:
Windturbines (in Dutch) https://clintel.nl/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Het-Windmolendrama.pdf
Book on the re-make of the Netherlands (Dutch) https://www.deanderekrant.nl/nieuws/het-nieuwe-boek-van-de-andere-krant-de-grote-verbouwing-van-nederland-2024-12-08
Follow Elze van Hamelin
Website: https://vanhamelen.eu/en/home-eng/
Telegram: t.me/evanhamelen
X: https://x.com/ElzevH
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